(NIRBHAYA RAPE CASE)

                                            CASE STUDY



TOPIC                                                                                         PAGE NO

Citation  ….….………………………………………………………………….... 3

Introduction .……..……………………………………………………………..   4

Facts……................................................................................................................ 5 - 6

Justice Verma Report…………………………………………………………….. 7

Section Defined…………………………………………………………................8 – 9

Issues Raised………………………………………………………………………10

Petitioner’s Argument……………………………………………………...............11

Judgment…………………………………………………………………………… 12 


Case Analysis………………………………………………………………………..14













CITATION - (2017) 6 SCC 1

APPELLANT – Mukesh & Anr

RESPONDENT – State For NCT of Delhi & Ors.

DATE OF JUDGMENT – May 5, 2017

BENCH – Chief Justice Dipak Misra, Justice R Banumathi and Justice Ashok Bhushan



Rape being one of the most serious crimes all over the world takes place often in all parts of the country some of which are noticed and made news while some are unnoticed. The rapist and the victims may change but the world tags such act as a serious offense. No territory has any law with a provision for forgiving the accused. Some territories implement the punishment as soon as the crime is proven. Some nations give a chance to prove the innocence of the accused. India is one among such nation which grants the time and opportunity to the accused to prove his innocence. The grant of time causes changes and delay in the delivery of justice.

Among all such events that took place in India, a remarkable incident was the case of Mukesh & Anr v. State for NCT of Delhi & Ors. Popularly known as the NIRBHAYA CASE. The Indian rape laws do not allow to use the victim’s name in media, thus such a term was given to the case, wherein ‘NIRBHAYA’ means fearless. The following case study and analysis deals with the facts, issues and judgment of this popular and one of the most discussed case which took place from 2012 to 2017. The incidence took place on December 16, 2012 and the verdict of the case came on September 15, 2017 that is the whole case lasted for five long years. Somewhere or the other this is the sole reason why India lags behind in the prevention of rape. The laws to prohibit rape are true to standards, but the implementation of such laws prevents the nation from moving forward. The judgment was passed in the year 2017 and implemented in the year 2020 was welcomed by all the citizens even in the pandemic period of COVID. Such delays tends to eliminate the deterrent effect that criminal law aims at immediate and harsh punishments for such serious crime may aid in stopping its spread.

                                                         FACTS OF THE CASE

An act of gang rape was committed by six men in a running bus in Delhi on 16th December, 2012 while she was going back to her home with a male friend accompanying her. The original name of the victim is unpublished and mentioned as Nirbhaya in all discussions. Nirbhaya a 23 year old lady was waiting at the bus stop with her male friend at night. Soon the bus arrived which was empty had only six men and a teenage boy was convincing her to enter the bus as they were heading to the direction of her house. She was convinced and entered into that bus.

 The driver along with five other members including a minor of age 17 engaged in the act of forceful sexual assault. The friend who tried to protect Nirbhaya from such forceful acts was beaten up brutally by all those six men. That running bus was made a place that day for the brutal rape and various other harsh injuries. Some of those men were drunk and one was nearly a psychopath. She was not only raped but also beaten up badly as if she was a non living object. An iron rod was inserted into her private parts and to her internal organs. Her intestine was pulled out.

And after committing this heinous crime she and her friend were thrown out of that moving bus to die in a naked condition during the chilly winter time of Delhi. Several vehicles passed by some went unnoticed, some noticed but ignored, some didn’t wanted to help them out. After several hours of hardship and pain of the injuries which she had someone came up to help and informed the police. She was later admitted to the hospital for treatment but soon ended up joining hands with death.

She was not even in a condition to speak up and narrate the amount of immense pain she has gone through. She was struggling and still fighting against all her odds but her strength failed apparently when she lost her life with a single wish and her last wish to punish those devils and provide justice to her. Her death bed witnesses her physical and mental instability, multiple organ failure, internal bleeding, cardiac arrest, and various other troubles. She died on 29th December.

The petitioner being the state convicted the six men who were involved in such an inhuman activity. The respondent argued implying that there was no similarity between the activities that took place and the six people.

The learned counsel tried to prove the presence of the six men in some other place, but due to the witnesses and other supporting proofs such as DNA test, blood traces, the petitioner was able to prove his arguments.

After December, 2012 –

The Criminal Amendment Act 2013 was one of the noticeable amendments which widened the scope of rape as mentioned under Section 375 and inserted Sections 354A, 354B, 354C, and 354D. The term rape was defined and was restricted only to sexual intercourse. But after this amendment, it was defined in a broader sense including any involuntary and forceful penetration without the woman’s consent into the women’s body parts. Hence the beginning stage of rape was also included in it. The laws relating to the protection of women was mainly because of the Report submitted by Justice Verma Committee. The committee was formed to provide a fast trial and provide for punishment to the criminals in the case of Nirbhaya.

                        JUSTICE VERMA COMMITTEE REPORT

The committee was made after the Nirbhaya case to provide for quicker trial and enhance punishment and criminal provisions in the law for people who are accused of committing sexual offences against women.

Some of the progressive changes which the committee suggested are as follows –

     Widening the scope of the definition of rape under the Indian Penal Code. Rape should be treated as a separate offence and it should not be limited only to the penetration into the vagina, mouth or anus but also any other non-consensual penetration whose nature is sexual should be included in the definition of rape under various laws.

     Marriage should not be considered as a license to perform sexual offences. Laws for marital rape should also be implemented.

     The use of words or any act or any form of gesture that creates a threat of sexual nature should be termed as sexual assault and should also be punishable.

     The non-penetrative forms of sexual contact should be regarded as sexual assault.

     There are some key recommendations made by the committee on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Bill, 2012 which are –

     Domestic workers must be included within the purview of the Bill.

     The complaint and the respondent should first attempt for conciliation so that easy settlement of issue can take place.

     The employer should pay compensation to the woman who has suffered from sexual harassment at the workplace in any form.

     The employer should institute an internal complaints committee to which complaints should be filed and heard.

     A system for online FIR filing should be established.

     It was of the view that the death penalty should not be awarded for the offence of rape. It recommended life imprisonment for rape instead.

     The Committee has recommended certain steps for the reformation of the reformation of the police. This includes the establishment of Security Commissions in states to ensure that the government doesn’t exercise any kind of influence on the police.


                                      SECTION DEFINED


A man is alleged to commit “rape” in the following circumstances -

     If he penetrates his penis into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of any woman or he makes her do so with him or with any other person.

     If he inserts anything or any body part other than the penis, into the vagina, urethra or anus of a woman or if he makes her do so with him or with any other person.

     If he manipulates any body part of a woman so as to do such penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of the body of the woman or he makes her do so with him or some other person.

     If he applies his mouth to the vagina, anus, urethra of a woman or he makes her do so with him or some other person, under the given seven descriptions:

       When it is against her will

       It is done without her consent. 

       It is done with her consent, but such consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested or whom she is concerned about, in fear of death or of hurt or anything else.

       With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband and that her consent is given because she believes that he is her husband to whom she is lawfully married.

       With her consent when she wasn’t of sound mind or in an intoxicated state or the administration of any harmful substance by the person who commits rape or through another due to which she is unable to understand the character or consequences of the act to which she provides her consent.

       With or without her consent, when she has not attained majority or is under eighteen years of age. 

       When she is not in a condition to communicate her consent for the act.

Explanation 1 – For the purpose of this section, “vagina” shall include labia majora.

Explanation 2 – Consent means an unequivocal voluntary agreement when the woman by words, gestures or any form of verbal or non – verbal communication communicates willingness to participate in the specific sexual act.

                                                   ISSUES RAISED       

     Whether the offenders should be punished with life imprisonment or death penalty?

     Whether the minor should also be punished for this heinous act or should be sent to juvenile home?

     Whether the scope of Section 375 should be expanded?

     Whether the rape laws present in the IPC should amended for good?


                                           PETITIONER’S ARGUMENT

As the case was made very strong from its trial from the level of subordinate court, the appeal made by the respondent against the judgment of the subordinate court at the High Court also gave the same judgment. The High Court confirmed the order passed before.

     The learned counsel appearing on behalf of the criminals applied for a review petition in Supreme Court under Article 137. Such a review petition can be filed in Supreme Court when either of the parties is aggrieved by an order passed by the court due to some error of facts of the case.

     In the review petition, the petitioner tried to raise a defence that the offenders were absent in the place and there lies no link between the crime and the offenders. But the documents and proofs submitted by the state made the court reject this petition.

     The counsel then moved to Curative Petition. The concept of raising a curative petition is for requesting any relief for the aggrieved person even after the final judgment has been passed. But the Supreme Court considering the welfare of the nation, to stop such crime in the future and to stop the flow of judiciary through a wrong path of injustice while administering such cases in the future, rejected the plea.

     The final move made by them was the Mercy Petition. A mercy petition can be filed before the President of India. The president has the power to reprieve, respite or remit a punishment given by the Apex Court but such a decision requires consultation with the Council of Ministers. The President in view of the welfare of the nation upheld the death sentence given by the Supreme Court.




A three judge bench agreed that the act done by the accused did not deserve any sympathy. In a strong message, that the diabolic crime had shocked the collective conscience of the society and that the court can treat it as a rarest of rare cases where death sentences can be awarded. DNA identification, fingertips, witness testimonies and odontology proved the presence of the accused in the bus and their involvement in the crime, as said by the Supreme Court.

The casual manner with which she was treated and the devilish manner in which they played with her body, her identity and her identity and her dignity is humanly unthinkable – said the bench. The Supreme Court administered justice to the family of the victim and all the women in the country by confirming the punishment of death sentence to the four convicts in the Nirbhaya gangrape and murder case terming it as the rarest of rape most brutal and barbaric attack on  a 23 year old paramedic student, Jyoti Singh. The convicts treated the victim as an object of enjoyment and exploited her sexually to the worst level.

A three – judge bench, through a unanimous verdict, upheld the Delhi High Court Judgment that had concurred with trial court decision of the case. Mukesh (29), Pawan (22), Vinay Sharma (23) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31) were hanged till death for the brutality they had shown against a woman of the country. The bench awarded them the death sentence because their crime met ‘rarest-of-rare’ threshold. After the incident, the fifth accused was not tried and he was sent to a correction home for three years because he was a minor at that time.


The effects of rape can include both the physical trauma as well as psychological stress. Women also suffer from health issues and reproductive problems after rape and mental instability continues even after the rape is over. It is really a curse for a woman if she gets raped.Women don’t even complain about it because they think it is shameful for them and their family also. They fear that if they get blamed for what has happened with them what will be the consequences of it. It ruins their life and makes them restless for the rest of their lives.

It makes them lose their interest in working of the system of our country and they don’t even think about justice as it becomes just a word for them.Rape is one of the social problems and the victims suffer from physical, mental, and emotional consequences and various other traumas which ruin their life.

There was a lot of social outrage due to the gruesome incident. There were a lot of candle light marches, solidarity movements and protests. India has always been notorious for being unsafe for women, and this was the spark which ignited the fire of public outrage. A British documentary called “India’s Daughter” was banned by the central government because it portrayed India in a very derogatory and poor light.

A majority of the outrage poured out on social media. In the contemporary times, with easy access to technology, the reactions on social media often reflect the mood and situation in the country. The hashtags #GangRape, #JyotiSingh #Nirbhaya and so on became “trending” on various websites. Organisations like All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA) also made its mark. Its secretary became one of the lead voices for women’s rights on Twitter.

Feminist and women’s movements gained momentum and incentive. The culprits were made an example of and condemned. Not just social, there were legal repercussions of the incident too. The UPA government was being pressurised to make stricter laws regarding rape and dealing with juveniles committing heinous crimes.



                                                  CASE ANALYSIS

The Nirbhaya gang rape was definitely the spark that ignited the fire for women’s rights and women’s safety. But sadly, the fire was short lived. The public outrage died in a few months, and with it, women’s issues took their usual place in the daily agenda. In early 2016, a dalit girl was brutally gangraped in the Ernakulam district of Kerala. The rape was as brutal as the Nirbhaya gang rape case. But the social outrage about the incident was disproportionate to that of the Nirbhaya case, and as some argue, disproportionate to the crime.

This raises the question, whether the fact that Nirbhaya was a Delhi based upper caste girl as opposed to a poor law student from Ernakulam, Kerala, had some role to play in the difference in the social reaction. It could probably just be luck and insufficient media presence in that district, but the contrast is uncanny. The idea that a difference in location can make so much difference in media coverage for such issues is disturbing. This raises the question whether there are other unreported incidents.

This incidence shows the death of humanity. It was one of the most cruel rape case one has ever come across. The society mostly blames the women for being raped pointing out their dressing, their hangouts and the timings at which they are out but the fact being a girl never invites a man to rape her it is always the sick mentality of those men who consider women as an object to be exact as a non-living object who are meant to face any level of cruelty. In today’s society every single parent teaches their daughters to live a limited and restricted life with certain boundaries for every act they perform but not a single parent teaches their son to respect every single women be it in their family or someone from outside. Those men with sick mentalities should be restricted not the women who suffer without any fault of theirs.

The Indian Judicial System takes a lot of time in granting justice which serves as a slow poison for the victim and their families who are struggling every single day fighting for justice. The trial should be quick and the punishment should be heinous enough as the criminal act is so that it is a teaching for the society that the brutal act can cause them a lot.


Even after such a landmark judgment and punishment, India still witnesses many noticed and unnoticed rape cases, such as the Shakthi Mili Gang Rape which took place in 2013, the Hyderabad Rape Case took place in the year 2019, etc. All these incidents are not just a violation of human rights but far from that where the victim’s sustainability becomes a big question mark. Though India made its presence in modern society by updating various laws and creating awareness about gender equality which is present in the Indian Constitution, the sudden action and delay in judgment caused India to stand back in controlling such crimes because ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. But in the case of Nirbhaya, the justice is not denied though it is delayed. However, such a delay paves way for other serious crimes.










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