State Of Himachal Pradesh vs Lekh Raj and Anr


State Of Himachal Pradesh vs Lekh Raj and Anr on 2 November, 1999



"Of late, wrongdoing against ladies overall and assault specifically is on the increment. It is in incongruity that while we are commending lady's freedoms in all circles, we show almost no worry for her honour. It is a miserable reflection on the demeanour of lack of concern of the general public towards the infringement of human pride of the survivors of sex violations. We should recollect that an attacker not just abuses the casualty's protection and individual respectability, however unavoidably causes genuine mental as well as actual damage all the while. Assault isn't only an actual attack it is regularly damaging of the entire character of the person in question, A killer annihilates the actual body of his casualty, an attacker corrupts the actual soul of the powerless female. The courts, consequently, shoulder an incredible obligation while giving a blamed a shot charges for assault. They should manage such cases with most extreme responsiveness. The courts ought to inspect the more extensive probabilities of a case and not get influenced by minor inconsistencies of irrelevant disparities in the articulation of the prosecutrix, which are not of a lethal sort, to toss out a generally solid indictment case. On the off chance that proof of the prosecutrix motivates certainty, it should be depended upon without looking for support of her assertion in material specifics. On the off chance that for reasons unknown the court finds it hard to put implied dependence on her declaration, it might search for proof which might loan affirmation to her declaration, shy of substantiation expected on account of an accessory. The declaration of the prosecutrix should be valued behind the scenes of the whole case and the preliminary court should be alive of its liability and be delicate while managing cases including sexual attacks."


Referring to an earlier judgment in Chandraprakash Kewal Chand Jain's case (supra) this Court in Gurmit Singh's case held.

"The courts must, while assessing proof, stay alive to the way that for a situation of assault, no self-regarding lady would approach in a court just to offer an embarrassing expression against her honour, for example, is engaged with the commission of assault on her. In cases including sexual attack, assumed contemplations which have no material impact on the veracity of the indictment case or even errors in the proclamation of the prosecutrix shouldn't, except if the disparities are such which are of lethal nature, be permitted to toss out a generally solid arraignment case. The innate shyness of the females and the inclination to cover shock of sexual animosity are factors which the courts shouldn't ignore. The declaration of the casualty in such cases is imperative and except if there are convincing reasons which require searching for certification of her assertion, the courts should track down no trouble to follow up on the declaration of a survivor of rape alone to convict a charged where her declaration rouses certainty and is viewed as solid. Looking for certification of her assertion prior to depending upon something similar, when in doubt, in such cases adds up to making an already difficult situation even worse. For what reason should the proof of a young lady or a lady who gripes of assault or sexual attack, be seen with uncertainty, incredulity or doubt? The court while liking the proof of a prosecutrix may search for an affirmation of her assertion to fulfil its legal still, small voice, since she is an observer who is keen on the result of the charge evened out by her, however there is no prerequisite of regulation to demand substantiation of her assertion to base conviction of a denounced. The proof of a survivor of rape stands practically on a section with the proof of a harmed observer and to a degree is significantly more dependable. Similarly, as a supported some observer injury in the event, which isn't viewed as self-incurred, is viewed as a decent observer as in he is to the least extent liable to protect the genuine guilty party, the proof of a survivor of a sexual offense is qualified for incredible weight, nonappearance of authentication regardless. Demonstrative proof is anything but a basic part of legal confidence for each situation of assault.



1. There was a little scraped area on right half of her brow with thickened blood.

2. There were scraped areas on broad surfaces on the two legs and left knees which were ruddy brown in shading.

3. There were various scraped area on horizontal surface of the two thighs,

4. There was an injury on back surface on left thigh.

5. There was additionally an injury on left butt cheek 4" x 3" in size.

6. Scraped area on left half of back in amble locale."

These wounds were adequate to loan substantiation to the declaration of the prosecutrix especially when no thought process is ascribed to her for erroneously including the respondent No. 1 in the commission of the wrongdoing. The prosecutrix, in her interrogation, had denied even the idea that the wounds supported by her were supported while cutting grass in the wilderness. She had likewise rejected that she was an alcohol fiend. The idea in regards to the presence of a question between Lekh Raj-respondents and her better half over the fishing net was additionally not conceded. She likewise denied the idea that the blamed people had neither met her nor submitted any assault. The ideas in interrogation were not appropriately accepted by the courts beneath to hold the presence of thought process in erroneously ensnaring the respondents. During the contentions before us likewise the learned insight for the appealing party couldn't call attention to the presence of any thought process in dishonestly involving the respondents. The way that the prosecutrix was a widow of around 55 years old having two adult kids was a situation to be observed for the reasons for fulfilling the Court that there was no ulterior thought process of roping the blamed in the commission for wrongdoing.

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