Court: House of Lords

Full case name: John Rylands and Jehu Horrocks v. Thomas Fletcher

Decided: 17 July 1868

Citation(s): [1868] UKHL 1, (1868) LR 3 HL 330

Judge(s) sitting: Lord Cairns, LC, Lord Cranworth


·       Rylands commissioned contractors to build a reservoir on his land in 1860, with the intention of supplying water to the Ainsworth Mill. Rylands did not participate in the construction process, instead contracting it out to a qualified engineer.

·       During construction, the contractors discovered a number of old coal mines and passages beneath the ground, which connected to Thomas Fletcher's adjacent mine and were filled loosely with soil and rubbish. The contractors chose to leave these shafts open rather than seal them up.

·       Rylands' reservoir burst on December 11, 1860, shortly after being filled for the first time, flooding Fletcher's mine, the Red House Colliery, inflicting £937 in damage.

·       Fletcher pumped the water out, but his pump burst on April 17, 1861, and the mine began to flood again. A mines inspector was called in at this point, and the submerged coal shafts were located.

·       On November 4, 1861, Fletcher filed a claim against Rylands and the landowner, Jehu Horrocks.


·       Did there seem to be any annoyance?

·       Was the Defendant's use of his land unreasonable, and hence should he be held accountable for the Plaintiff's damages?


This court ruled in favour of the plaintiff on both trespass (since the flooding was not "direct and immediate") and nuisance grounds. Later, a court order resulted in the appointment of an arbitrator from the Exchequer of Pleas in December 1864. The arbitrator determined that the independent contractors were accountable for carelessness because, despite knowing about the old mine shafts, they failed to deal with them properly. Rylands had no means of knowing about the mine shafts, according to the arbitrator, thus he couldn't be held accountable.


After that, the matter was sent to the Exchequer of Pleas. The case was considered on two points, whether the defendants were liable for the contractors' activities, and whether the defendants were responsible for the harm despite their lack of culpability.

They agreed that the defendants were not liable on the first issue, but they disagreed on the second point. Channell B withdrew his name from consideration. The defendants were not liable, according to Pollock CB and Martin B, because there was no valid case because a negligence claim could not be raised. Dissenting Judge Bramwell B claimed that the claimant had the right to enjoy his land free of interference from water from the defendant's reservoir, and that as a result, the defendant was guilty of both trespass and nuisance commissioning. He stated that “the general law, wholly independent of contract” should be that the defendants were liable, “on the simple  ground that the defendants have caused water to flow into the [claimant]’s mines, which but  for their actions wouldn’t have gone there…”


Fletcher was enraged by the three exchequer judges' decision and appealed to the exchequer chamber, which consists of six judges. "The prior decision was overturned", by the six judges. Fletcher. "We, the judges of the exchequer, believe that the correct rule of law is that any person who, for his own purposes, brings on his land anything, accumulates and keeps on the land that thing, which is likely to cause trouble if it escapes, must keep it at his own risk, and, if he doesn't, is clear (without need for further information), in charge of all the damage which is that the natural effect of its egress," Blackburn J said on behalf of all the judges Blackburn J  further said that that person can  excuse himself from the liability  by taking certain defences like –  that the escape was caused because of the  plaintiff’s default; or by proving that the escape was a consequence of the act of God” (Fordham Margaret1995)

The judges concluded that “none of these excuses had been proven in the case”, and it was, therefore “unnecessary to find out what another excuse would be sufficient”. The judges, in the judgement, relied on the “basis of the liability for damages of land through the tort of chattel of trespass, the tort of nuisance”, as well as “the scienter action (common law rule that deals with the damages directly done by animals to human beings)” (Duhame.org, 2009).

The Exchequer Chamber court established a guideline for when an owner's obligation for bringing any dangerous into his property can arise. At the same time, the court explored some defences that could help free the defendant of liability.

Rylands was found accountable for the damage done to the Fletcher by the Exchequer Chamber court. The defendants owed a duty of care to the risk, according to the court, because they were aware that if that amount of water leaked, it would be dangerous. The defendants showed a lack of care by holding such a large amount of water on their farm, which was an unnatural use of their land. Though it was not dangerous at the moment, it would be dangerous if it escaped.

Rylands felt that this was not just. He appealed to the House of Lords.


The House of Lords dismissed Ryland’s appeal. They agreed with the six exchequer judges but went further to feature a limitation on the liability.


The appeal was dismissed by the House of Lords, who concurred with the six Exchequer judges. While speaking for the House of Lords, Lord Cairns noted that the House of Lords agreed with Justice Blackburn's rule in the Exchequer Chamber, but added an additional limitation on responsibility. The land from which the escape takes place must also have been altered in a way that would be regarded non-natural, strange, or improper. The House of Lords judgement stipulated that the use must be "non-natural." The decision in this case was handed out on July 17th. Lord Cairns and Lord Cranworth were the only judges on the bench in this case; Lord Colonsay was not present.



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